Saturday, December 8, 2007


I think therefore I am..but am I me?

Seconds stars Rock Hudson, as a man who ends up undergoing a life-changing operation, which completely alters his appearance. He is given a new identity to go along with his improved face. His old self, as a stodgy, boring man is now "dead". He has been replaced as a handsome, swinging-playboy artist who lives in a community amongst other "Reborns".

Seconds raises many questions about self worth, vanity and the social expectations and taboos that hold us back from being our real selves. The film's contemporary subject of plastic surgery demonstrates that altering your outward appearance doesn't change who you are on the inside. The film offers a profound examination into one's psyche and the happiness within ourselves.

Seconds (1966) directed by John Frankenheimer (The Manchurian Candidate) is clever and disturbing. The film was shot in black and white, which gives it a foreboding feeling of loneliness and despair. The cinematography is at times avant garde and surreal, creating a twisted reality.

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1 comment:

VJESCI said...